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Company Network List Świecki Poland

€83,00 EUR
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Product description and content

This dataset contains either a list of 617 companies or alternatively 146 startups (companies registered less than 5 years ago) in Świecki, Polska (Poland). For each observation, the following variables are included:

  • domain: The web address of the company.
  • redirect: TRUE if the queried domain redirects to a new domain (e.g. because the company has acquired a new domain or has been purchased by another company and its website is now the target of the redirection). FALSE if there is no redirection. Information from redirected domains should be handled with care.
  • redirected_domain: The domain to which redirected if redirect is TRUE.
  • description: Self-description of the company (if provided).
  • main_contact_mail: The e-mail address most likely to be the main contact address. Extracted from the company's website if available.
  • links: Domains (comma separated) of other websites to which this company is connected with an incoming and/or outgoing hyperlink. Can be used to map company networks.
  • outgoing_links: Target domains (comma separated) of hyperlinks found on the company's own website.
  • incoming_links: Source domains (comma separated) of hyperlinks found on other companies' websites that target the company's own website.
  • links_count: Number of outgoing and incoming links combined.
  • incoming_links_count: Number of incoming links.
  • outgoing_links_count: Number of outgoing links.
  • network_updated: Date of the last data update.
  • lat: Geo-coordinates of the company location in WGS84 format.
  • lon: Geo-coordinates of the company location in WGS84 format.
  • NUTS0_name: Name of the state where the company is located.
  • NUTS1: NUTS 1 code of the province where the company is located.
  • NUTS1_name: Name of the province.
  • NUTS2: NUTS 2 code of the region where the company is located.
  • NUTS2_name: Name of the region.
  • NUTS3: NUTS 3 code of the county in which the company is located.
  • NUTS3_name: Name of the county.

This dataset was last updated on: April 2023.

Can I see the data beforehand?
Yes! Just "buy" the free data sample. In it you will find a random sample of up to 1% (maximum 100 observations, minimum 1 observation) of the companies included in the full dataset.

How reliable and accurate is the data?
We subject our data to rigorous quality assurance measures. These include internal measures as well as external validation carried out by our research partners according to high scientific standards. Since our webAI analysis tool is based on machine learning procedures respectively probability-based methods, individual misclassifications cannot be ruled out and 100% accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Where can I learn more about the data?
Take a look at our documentation especially the one for links_count

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Company Network List Świecki Poland

We automate market research with artificial intelligence using our webAI agents for real-time information discovery. Our agents are developed and tested with international experts and deliver reliable expert level information.